Ascra Xpro technical information - fast acting Bayer Crop Science Lietuva 2:31 7 years ago 289 Далее Скачать
Ascra Xpro - For the best disease control and biggest yields Bayer Crop Science UK 2:16 8 years ago 836 Далее Скачать
Edinburgh Trials Update - Ascra Fungicide Trial Bayer Crop Science UK 0:54 4 years ago 32 Далее Скачать
Judge for Yourself 2016: The benefits of formulation Bayer Crop Science UK 0:55 7 years ago 50 Далее Скачать
Edinburgh Trials Update - Fungicide Trial Aviator and Ascra Bayer Crop Science UK 0:59 4 years ago 49 Далее Скачать
What is Aviator® Xpro® and how is it best used? Bayer Crop Science Australia and New Zealand 0:37 5 years ago 187 Далее Скачать